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 Xiangyang Railway Hotel  

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Xiangyang Railway Hotel

闁版帒绨甸崷鏉挎禈Hotel's Address: No.46, qinjin road, xiangfan, hubei
Location: 5min to the railway station, 40min to the airport, 10min to the center
Hotel Description
The Railway Hotel is located in the downtown area. The Hotel offers its guests a wide variety of facilities combined with a high level of personalised service. Suitable for business and leisure travelers alike the Railway Hotel successfully combines the old-world service and traditions with 21st century conveniences to make your stay truly comfortable and memorable. For your reservation at the Hotel, simply submit your requested dates below and complete our secure online booking form.

Check-In: Check-Out: Adults: Children: Currency:
Xiangyang Railway Hotel Xiangyang Railway Hotel Xiangyang Railway Hotel

Full   Available  

The Internet discount room rate includes service charge. Accept credit card payment.
Check out 12 noon.
Unless upon request, the hotel will only keep the reservation till 18:00.
Rates may be subject to surcharge during peak periods.

Straight line Distance from the hotel to the key locations:
To Xiangfan Railway Station about 0.04Km,
To People's Park about 1.81Km,
To Xiangfan Liuji Airport about 16.65Km,

*** Click the link you can find other hotels close to the same landmark

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