From Youth Hostel to Deluxe 5 star hotel, no matter what hotel you expect, most Favorable ones with lowest discount to 30%-80% are all available here. Bookings here could be processed free of charge and immediately, and you could pay at arrival!
Excellent location Excellent location and comfortable room except for the air-conditioning system. We were told that only "hot" air is available in winter time, it does not matter how low we preset the temperature level inside the room!Staff is also very friendly.
good 很好的商务酒店,去哪里都方便,服务也很好,不用酒店早餐,可以选择中式的穆桂英美食城,也可以选择西式的星巴克,都很方便。只是GPS上面没有这个酒店,连门前这条路都没有,只能自己上网查看地图以后,摸索着走,不过还算方便。