From Youth Hostel to Deluxe 5 star hotel, no matter what hotel you expect, most Favorable ones with lowest discount to 30%-80% are all available here. Bookings here could be processed free of charge and immediately, and you could pay at arrival!
很久没去丽都,没想到变得这么旧。前台接待很死板:客人用门卡可以进出每个通往电梯的走廊门,但访客就必须让住店客人亲自下来接进去,不然就让你们每个人掏出身份证来登记,有几个登记几个。入住第一天,由于意大利客人需要升级房间为套房,我们帮他与前台咨询、协调,并一同去看间,前台几个人都认识了。但第二天一大早,我们与客人开会,前台却死活不肯把走廊门打开,并坚持让我们登记。最后给客人打电话,电话打通了前台却不讲话,只让我们叫客人下来接。我们说你跟客人确认一下就可以了,她却偏不。每天如是,这样五天,天天她们前台都是这副嘴脸,真让人受够了。下回再也不带客人上这儿来了。而且客人在浴室竟然遭遇一只大蟑螂!感觉卫生不好Very cold and bad attitude from receptionists. Their face looks like they are government officials and is so strict and serious insisting their "hotel regulations and rules". My guest found a big cockroach in the bathroom. It even flies! Horrible! Will not come next time!