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 Shaolin Hotel Dengfeng  

This hotel's rating(30) >> Chinesehotels.org >> Dengfeng Hotel >> Shaolin Hotel Dengfeng
Shaolin Hotel Dengfeng

闁版帒绨甸崷鏉挎禈Hotel's Address: 66 Main Street Zhongyue,Dengfeng,Hennan
Location: 500m to municipal government in downtown; 13km to Shaolin Temple
Hotel Description
Shaolin Hotel Dengfeng is opposite the flourishing night market of Dengfeng. Opened in 2007, it offers 100 rooms, each equipped with TV, internet access, etc., and with standard room measuring 35 sq.m. With the advanced facilities provided and professional staff who understand your every need in conference room, it gives you the relief that nothing would be a problem for running a smooth and successful meeting or function. It's an ideal place for travel, business and recreation.

Check-In: Check-Out: Adults: Children: Currency:
Shaolin Hotel Dengfeng Shaolin Hotel Dengfeng

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Check out 12 noon.
Rates may be subject to surcharge during peak periods.
Above rate includes service charge.

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