Anqing Hotels Reservation provides you with online booking service of Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing, Specific info about Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing like price, location, room picture are all available here.
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 Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing  

This hotel's rating(0) >> Chinesehotels.org >> Anqing Hotel >> Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing
Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing

闁版帒绨甸崷鏉挎禈Hotel's Address: Huxin Middle Road 9, Anqing
Location: 3-min-drive to downtown, 2km to railway station, 10km to airport, 2km to exhibition center, 1.5km to harbor, 1km to coach station
Hotel Description
Huangmei Shanzhuang is a 3-star hotel providing rooms, restaurant, tea house, fishing and Huangmei Opera performance.

Check-In: Check-Out: Adults: Children: Currency:
Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing Huangmei Shan Zhang - Anqing

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Check out 12 noon.
Rates may be subject to surcharge during peak periods.
Above rate includes service charge.

Straight line Distance from the hotel to the key locations:
To Anqing Railway Station about 3.2Km,
To Anqing Tianzhushan Airport about 7Km,
To Department Store Building about 47.66Km,

*** Click the link you can find other hotels close to the same landmark

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