From Youth Hostel to Deluxe 5 star hotel, no matter what hotel you expect, most Favorable ones with lowest discount to 30%-80% are all available here. Bookings here could be processed free of charge and immediately, and you could pay at arrival!
Nice location, nice atmosphere, authentic setting Good location, in the middle of the Nan Dajie. We we''re afraid the room might be noisy because of the location of the guesthouse but none of that. The only noise we heard were Italian tourists in the same part of the courtyard alley as we stayed in (but Italians are always noisy because they think they''re the only people in the world) and the fireworks for the wedding nextdoor. Staff speaks enough English to help with booking trips, airplane tickets etc. The lady that owns the place (or at least acts like she does), is very friendly and speaks very good English. Cappuccino at the café is a bit expensive but very nice, the restaurant is full every night so we reckon the food is good. We definitely recommend a stay at the Guesthouse!
干净有民俗风的客栈,价格偏高洗澡水太小 一共在天元奎住了3晚,第一晚是通过华旅定的,后来两晚以原价续住了,华旅还涨了20块呢,事实证明其实可以walk in 议价,在非热门的季节。华旅定的是标准B,到了那里免费升级成了标准A,所以大家不要浪费那个钱,直接定标B即可。房间里有一张大炕,两个人睡非常舒服,就是要注意围着墙壁涂了一层黑色的东西,有些房间装修较早,稍微一碰就会有黑黑的东西掉下来,弄得枕头和床单都脏了。另外就是洗澡水压小,貌似是通病,第一晚我们就住了那种枕头和床单很容易脏的房间,后来换了房间没有这个问题但是洗澡水依然小。除了这两个问题外,天元奎其他方面还是不错的,房间够干净,客栈够民俗,当然这价格在古城里也是至少前5了吧。说完硬件,说软件。随口问了下几个包车的价格,天元奎的报价都要比其他客栈高出20[%]左右,南大街上走一走,很多客栈都会把包车的价格挂在门口的,所以个人感觉天元奎很大程度上是斩老外的,同胞们还是自己另想办法吧。老板和老板娘还挺热情,但是这把刀也是快的,小妹就有点死样怪气的了。位置还算可以,但是走去景点还是有点累的,建议租个小车吧,10块1次,半天也是这个价。在古城的那几天每天睡到自然醒,然后逛几个景点就开始找吃饭的地方了,晚上去天元奎斜对面的樱花屋泡吧,玩玩骰子喝喝啤酒,人生最美好也不过如此了,尤其还是跟自己的爱人~~