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 June Hotel, Changchun  

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June Hotel, Changchun

闁版帒绨甸崷鏉挎禈Hotel's Address: NO.811 Xiuzheng Road, High-tech Development Zone
Location: Distance from the airport:43.67km Distance from Changchun railway station:11.27 km Distance from downtown:9km Distance from Nanhu Plaza: 5km Surrounding environment:Changchun municipal government, the South campus of Jilin University
Hotel Description
Officially opened on Aug.2005 and redecorated on July 2006

June Hotel is situated at Xiuzheng Road, adjoin Wal-mart and Jilin University. Covering an area of 3084 square meters and with 15000 square meters of floor area, it is deemed as a top level comprehensive business hotel in the High-tech development zone. The main building of June Hotel is 13 stories in height, with 200 guest rooms in various types. All of the rooms are equipped with aircon system, free internet access, satellite television, and 24-hour hot water, etc. Computers are available in some rooms.

Check-In: Check-Out: Adults: Children: Currency:
June Hotel, Changchun June Hotel, Changchun June Hotel, Changchun

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Check out at 12:00pm.
Unless upon request, the hotel will only keep the reservation till 18:00.
Price may be subject to surcharge during peak periods.
Above price includes service charge.

Breakfast:RMB26 per person.

Extra Bed: RMB80 per piece per night.

Straight line Distance from the hotel to the key locations:
To Renming Square( People Square) about 7.01Km,
To Changchun Railway Station about 9.46Km,
To Changchun Longjia International Airport about 37.45Km,

*** Click the link you can find other hotels close to the same landmark

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